Saturday, March 2, 2013

It's a Small World!

Prepare to be amazed. I know I have said it before, and you are probably getting tired of hearing it. But it never ceases to amaze me. There are less than 6 degrees of separation even in the Looper world.

Let me explain. We went to to the pot luck dinner at Frank and Debra's and met their Looper friends.  It was the end of the day and people were beginning to leave. One gentleman was talking about the boat he sold and that he had been at Pebble Isle. First, small  world.

When we were at Pebble Isle there was an Albin for sale, and we went to see it with Jim and Linda Murray and Steve and Linda Franko.  They were trying to convince us that we should be trawler owners rather than sailboaters. Yes, you guessed it ...... it was their boat that we were on. Now that's just too funny.

But it didn't stop there. A little later, after some more people had left, we were talking to Connie and Bernie and our trip down Lake Michigan. Connie and Bernie's home port is on Lake Michigan. I mentioned that we thought we were never going to get off Lake Michigan and we were beginning to make plans for Christmas there. She mentioned that friends of theirs had been stuck at Leland for 10 days. Here comes the second small world. After a little more discussion she said their friends were aboard "Sea Estate" and "In2uition". We had spent 4 or 5 days stuck in Leland with them, and had a lot of fun each evening at the dock masters building. Snacks and beverages for all. I even have pictures of all of us together.

We couldn't get over what a small world it is in the Looper group. I think it is even smaller than normal. Whatever normal is.

Apparently Connie and Ed from Sea Estate were spending their winter not 5 miles away.

Now just how amazing is that. One party, and while everyone there were Looper friends of Frank and Debra's, we found that we had previously met one couple and even been on their boat, and that another couple were friends with boaters we had spent 4 days weathered in at Leland. Stranger than fiction.

I bet if you keep doing this Loop long enough you may even meet yourself coming back around.

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