What a strange world it is!
While we were at the motel for our 3 day shower, and all the TV stations available; Peter decided to call Pat and Ross Hastings to see if we could visit them the next day. They were going to be attending a get together at Ross and Carol Withall's. She said she would see if she could get us invited. And they agreed.
Carol Withall and Dave Campbell |
Fort Myer's Beach is the mini communities of Elmvale, Wyevale, and Perkinsfield. We got there to find 10 couples that we knew and haven't seen for ages. I haven't been referred to as Cheryl Lyons (maiden name) for 42 years. Everyone winters in the Fort Myer's area and Ross and Carol had organized a Ladder Golf tournament. Ross had made the ladder golf frames and even made a ladder golf trophy with the name plaque from the previous years winners.
Spring Family, Ben, Brenda, Ben's wife and Barry |
I will try to remember all of the names, but forgive me if I forget anyone. Ross and Carol Withall, the hosts, Ross and Pat Hastings, Dave and Marg Campbell, Sam and Wendy Langman, Mike and Marge Conn, Barry and Brenda Spring, Ben and his wife (Spring) Richard and Muriel Lesperance, Guy and Rosalind Maurice and 2 other couples who I didn't know. It was great to meet all of these people again.
Pat Hastings |
Marge Conn and Rosalind Maurice |
Wendy and Sam Langman |
Cheryl and Peter |
Unfortunately, Peter and I had to be the first to leave as we now have a curfew. The storage yard locks up tight after 8:00 pm. Absolutely no access. Our entry code does not work after 8. We found this out the hard way. There is an emergency number to call and one of the workers who lives about 1 mile away comes, and after giving him a guilt tip of $10. he opens a gate that allows us entry. We could be forgiven the first time, but the second time would just be inconsiderate. Or perhaps we could claim "seniors senility", I hear it is an ugly thing that strikes a number of us.
Muriel Lesperance |
It seemed so strange for the couple who usually are the last to leave, become the first to leave. What is happening?
Mike Conn |
Carol's teacher organizing skills were evident as she tried and suceeded in getting the players at the right ladder golf stations. Ross, with his famous roast beef BBQ was busily manning not one but two BBQ's. Unfortunately the tournament was never completed as a late afternoon rain shower put an end to the tournament. They will all be back next year to compete for the "Ladder Golf" trophy.
Marg Campbell and Roslind Maurice |
Today, Peter is back to buffing the hull of the boat. He thinks he will finish today. After the rain yesterday the temperature is more comfortable - 72. We will do some shopping later this afternoon to restock the boat provisions and get the necessary ingredients for Frank and Debra Hursts pot luck tomorrow. Here comes a Broccoli Cauliflower Salad. Then Friday is launch day.
With all of these social engagements it is becoming hard to leave this area.
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