Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday, July 28th, Elizabeth City.

Extremely early start today. The restaurant at Alligator River Marina opened at 5:30 am for breakfast and we were there at 5:30.

Left the marina by 6:45 to make the crossing of the Albemarl Sound. Winds were to be light at 10 miles per hour, waves 1 foot. Sounded good. But someone forgot to tell the weather. By the time we got out a fair ways the waves were at least 2 feet with some higher and from the worst direction for us. The waves were coming on the side, or a beam sea. We were rocking and rolling. Not comfortable at all, so we decided to tack our way along the course for Elizabeth City. Much better. It may have taken a little longer, but it was a much more comfortable crossing.

This was a 35 mile run in total; 14 across Albemarl Sound and then 11 miles up to Elizabeth City. Once we were inside the headland everything calmed down and we had a second breakfast, just like "hobbits". We arrived by noon.

Today the skies were overcast with a nice breeze, so the temperature was very comfortable. Probably around 75 to 80 degrees. The sun has come out now, and things are heating up outside.

We had reservations at Pelican Marina on the east shore. We called and called and called no answer. Waypoint had to dock themselves, and then they caught our lines and helped us dock. What a strange marina. I guess they had forgot to tell the part timer who works here that he was working today. His boat is in the slip right next to where we came in, and even when he was on the dock as we were tying up - he didn't offer to help in any way.

On active captain, boaters rate the different marinas. 5 stars is the best rating. NO STARS for this marina. I feel like the soup natzi on the Seinfeld show ...... "No soup for you"; but in this instance "No stars for you".

All of the slips in this marina are $35. no matter what your boat length, and they have hydro for electricity and that is included in the price. There are a number of free docks on the other shore in Elizabeth City, but there is no hydro. And we wanted hydro for the air conditioners. If this marina is $35. and this is how you get treated, we should be glad that we are not on the free docks. What must they be like.

We plan to get a taxi later on in the day and go to Elizabeth City for a look around and dinner.

Last night we met a couple who were passing thru like us. They were southbound. They had a 59 foot Selene. Very nice couple, they had built, owned and managed a marina in Gunnersville, Alabama. It was a sailboat only marina. They sold it in 2007, bought a house for their parents in South Carolina, bought a house for themselves in Alabama, and bought the Selene.  Peter went to get their boat card and they gave him a tour of the boat. He said it was a good thing I wasn't there.

Tomorrow is the run through the Dismal Swamp.

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